Aqui você consegue ler algumas das primeiras impressões de artistas de todas as partes do mundo logo depois de receberem e ouvirem o trabalho completo, assim poderá ter uma ideia da satisfação de nossos clientes através dos anos.

"Hi Freddy, we received your mix - thank you so much - Listening to the different ideas and details we are overwhelmed about you - spending so much time on our Song, great mix! All the best, CAMOUFLAGE" - Heiko

"Your mix put faith back in remixes... We loved it!" - Clause S. "Very nicely done. You've done a great job. It's an excellent remix, and definitely the kind of stuff we're looking/hoping for." - Steve B "Your remix is still my favorite of all the ones submitted! No BS.!!!" - Claude S.

"Hey Freddy. Now I got it. Wow, it's beautiful, it really is. One of the best mixes any artist did for us :-) You are one talented guy!" - Liav "Thanks you very much for the remix on “Too much to handle”. I like it very much! I am sure it will help us to make first steps into a synthpop world. Singer Iliya likes your remix very much and want to use it to upcoming performance he will have soon from DM party in Vladivostok. My wife also like your mix very much" - Miroslav

"I am so happy you are onboard. Besides your remixes, I really love your enthusiasm! Again, I think you are very talented and believe in this scene so thats awesome! Everything is perfect. I am very happy to be working with you!!! WOW. You are kidding me right? Oh this compilation will be so AWESOME man!!!! Good job Freddy!!! You are THE MAN!!! That is awesome job!!" - David Lin (Synthphony Records)

"Yes thats right!! I love your version and its gonna be a highlight of the cd! Thank you again! And we will play this Version live...just tell us where to download! I am very happy that we have the same understanding of music...!!! Thank you very much for that great remix!" - Alex "we got it and like it a lot. You rule again, man" - Manfred

"Wow Freddy! This is amazing! Maybe I am biased because you are working with my vocals, but I think this is the best remix I've heard from you yet! The levels are all great, and I love what you've done with the chord progression. And you moved it to 4/4 time from 12/8 time very smoothly. I actually thought of doing that myself when I recorded it! Really cool stuff! Awesome! Perfect!" - Brian Hazard

"Hey Freddy!!!! I love it!!!!!!! WOW!!!!! very very very nice!!! Your mix sounds stunning! I like it very much. I played it to a few friends and they said it doesnt sound old anymore and that we should try get it on the radio!" - Roger

"hey! I like it alot. very oldschool extended mix style. Awesome!" - Graham Jackson

"Firstly thank you for your work, David and I both like it." - George Pappas